I am……..

NOTE:  I have moved the entire High on Homeschool blog over to Blogger.  It’s been redesigned and in my opinion is much nicer to look at!  Http://www.highonhomeschool.blogspot.com.  C’mon over and have a peek – lots of new material!

One mom living in the Southwest (USA) who digs up ideas about many varied subjects such as photography, homeschooling, gardening, eating well, raising backyard chickens, living with dogs and rabbits and helping the rabbit to live a long life with aforementioned predatorial dog on the premises, bringing home hamsters and small critters, navigating PTA and other wild trips through the public school system, ultimate fighting matches with to-do lists, and more! I’m resourceful and like to share resources that I’ve dug up.  I’ve always got my nose in a book and usually it’s not fiction; I like books that show you how to do something.  You can imagine how crazy I get over the resources on the Internet!  I am a mom with a crazy, compartmentalized internal life that sometimes escapes externally.

Our child is eleven years old and is operating in and around fifth grade, more or less.  Keep that in mind as you browse some of these resources – many of them fit the 9-12 year old range beautifully, but can be tailored to different ages as well.  My point is to encourage you to reach out for fun and interesting ways to teach your children.  Let creativity get the BEST of you!!

I am also a fine art photographer and have a website, an Etsy shop and a blog about journeying through life with camera in-hand.  If you are the least bit intrigued, click on the links to see what else I do after the chickens have been tucked safely into their coop for the evening, the dishes are done, laundry is put away, floors are swept  and Max has trotted off to bed (seriously – I’m not that organized or neat!)


Etsy shop

Photography blog

Gracias!  Thanks for stopping by and may your learning adventures be happy!

2 Responses

  1. nice blog.
    have you considered teaching literacy skills – dialogue writing, tenses, narration etc. – using shadow puppetry? i am trying this out with my class of 10 year olds. they are reading the ramayana and the mahabharata, will pick up an episode/story and stage it in the wayang kulit style. we will start making the puppets from day after tomorrow.

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